
peanut butter dreams.

This morning I headed out around 9am to get to a 10am yoga class... and just barely made it. Any trip on the subway takes at least 40 minutes. Not always convenient. But finding the studio without difficulty was pretty rewarding and before I knew it, I was gearing up for a fabulous one and a half hour un-air-conditioned yoga session. Let the sweating begin.

The studio was very cool, and is both Chinese and English-speaking, so taking a class was no problem for this American girl. The instructor spoke both... freely switching back and forth as she led the class. The small classroom, as typical of yoga classrooms, was hot. But it was also wall to wall people... it was an interesting way to practice, having people less than six inches from you. I'd say it was successful, I felt great afterward.

I packed up my sweaty self and headed out into the even hotter world. I returned to the tailor and picked out the fabric for my dresses. I'm sure the lady measuring me was really glad I hadn't showered after yoga, but then again, this is a nation of sweaty people. I'm pretty excited to get two (yes, two... I couldn't help myself) new dresses since I have been wearing the same one for every occasion since high school graduation.

After the busy morning, I stopped at Wal-Mart (ew) because it's the only place here that sells peanut butter... and I needed more. I'm trying to watch my money spending (ignore the part about me getting two tailor-made dresses) since I realize that whatever money I have currently has to last me until a real paycheck lands in my hands. I'm not alone in this, though. A lot of us here are turning to PB&J to keep our debit cards in check. But obviously, eating PB&J is no punishment at all... I'd eat it if I was the richest girl in the world.

Actually, now that I think about it... this is my second-and-a-half jar of peanut butter. Within our little community, it's as good as cash. I might start doing all of my deals in PB. Honestly, name another protein-rich food that can be eaten alone or with several other delicious things (bread, crackers, bananas, etc.) and does not require refrigeration. (Excluding tuna, another "I'm broke" favorite of mine, because here tuna is like 1 USD a can... yikes.)

In fact, last night was another midnight birthday celebration. Guess what the candles were in... PB sandwich. No big deal.

I know, I know, seems like a pretty boring day, right? But I'm crossing things off my list of things to do before I leave, and trying to get it done before 8.8.08. Speaking of the Olympics starting this week (!!!!), the influx of white people is huge here. Makes me feel a little less special. It's like I want them to know, "Hey you... you silly white person... I've been here a month! Where have you been?!?!? Yeah, that's right, not here!" I guess I'm a little territorial of China. I know I should share, but it's been fun being the foreigner. I've never been stared at and whispered about so much, and I don't even mind.

I will say, though, I've never been the odd man out in the crowd really. I've never been the stare-ee, the one singled out, the one being talked about on the subway. I'll tell you what... you notice everyone doing it. I can't imagine being that person all the time, especially if the attention was not just out of curiosity. I don't get the feeling that people looking at me are thinking, "Who does this American think she is?" but if they were, I'd feel pretty terrible. I think I understand a little more about how people perceive differences in a crowd; if you've never been the one being stared at... find a group of people completely different than you are, put yourself right in the thick of it, and see how it feels. It's an experience to value, and will for sure change the way you judge and observe others.


Anonymous said...

I can´t wait to see your new threads, so we´ll have to find somewhere to go... Did you go for crazy China pattern or more conservative? Either way I bet they´ll look great.

mom said...

I can picture it now...*Alysha Nicole Daytner world traveler, extraordinaire, riding the subway, wearing a tailor made silk dress, eating a peanut butter sandwich*...looking as beautiful as ever...