
rained out. no problem.

Welcome to monsoon season. Welcome to taking the hour and a half trip to work at 7am, only to get there to hear the BMX events for the day have been canceled due to rain.

We didn't mind though. It's kinda like getting up and getting all ready to go to school and finding out there is a snow day. We decided breakfast at Paul's was just what we needed. I agreed with an omelet, toast and home fries.

It rained all day and I had no problem with just hanging out in my bed (which I now refer to as "my office" because I drag this little table over to my bed and use my computer from there... the air conditioner floods my desk and I don't want my computer to get caught up in that mess).

I took a crazy good nap and then alternated between looking for places to apply for jobs and travel Web sites. I've begun making my trade-marked Pros/Cons list for just about every aspect of my future, and I must say it is going well.

Honestly I didn't do much at all yesterday because of how tired I was (I got wrapped up in looking for jobs and couldn't sleep the night before). It was quite nice though. Eventually the rain subsided and people dispersed. Some people had purchased tickets to Softball and Women's Soccer, so they went out and about.

A few others (including me) had tickets into Club Bud (the Budweiser sponsored hospitality club for athletes, Beijingers and visitors like myself). It's a well-established Olympic tradition that there are hospitality clubs like this... and we wanted to check it out. Basically, it's a giant party with lots of free Budweiser, lots of athletes and lots of foreigners. The club had all kinds of areas... dance floors, places to watch ongoing events on big screen TVs, lounges and this huge outdoor patio with tents, a pool (no swimming, please) and these sweet little round couches with canopies over them. Red lanterns were strung up everywhere and there was a huge dance floor that mostly held people gathering to talk. We definitely went for the outdoor area (you know my affinity for rooftops) and snagged a round couch.

We didn't stay all night (nor do I want you to get the impression that we were crazy wild kids... we sure weren't), but we did enjoy the people watching from the comfort of our outdoor cabana tent. I love watching people from all corners of the world mixing together... the free beer was obviously helping them along, but still, people are fun to watch.

Since we had to work early again, we cut our low-key night on the town short and headed back to CUC, satisfied that we had experienced the "Olympic party scene," if you will.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alysha~I have read all of your blogs and ENJOYED EVERY ONE! (and being a 'mom' I equally enjoy seeing your mom's comments) Ryan said you were in Beijing, but until The Times article appeared, I didn't know why. You are quite a special young lady...keep up the good work and your wonderful outlook on life!
Luan Brown
ps Ron wants to know if the Chinese tailgate w/ chocolate martinis?!?!