
green apple skittles and a new magic box.

Life has been different lately. I can't really put a finger on it, but something's up. Maybe it's the change in work schedule... maybe it's the elastic in my volunteer uniform pants... maybe it's the fact that green skittles in China are not a familiar lime, no no, they are green apple. Was this an international change? Have I missed something?

Anyway, as I was musing about why green skittles are not lime, a Chinese man comes into our room, speaks to me (I mysteriously know exactly what he is trying to communicate), and takes our magic box. (If you don't know what the magic box is, refer to the post about the 801. It is the nightstand between the beds that has switches to every outlet and light in the room... an electrical mothership, if you will.) He replaces it with a new magic box that matches the rest of our furniture and tries it out to see if it works. After some pointing and nodding by all parties involved, we got it to work and thus, have a new magic box.

I can't even put my thoughts into coherent writing right now.

I bought some vitamins, I think they are helping my nutritional status.

I am contemplating getting an Asian haircut. (Thoughts on this?)

I sneaked into team Ukraine's lounge at the venue.
I miss K.Dools/A.Dayt roommate style mayhem.

I learned to play Euchre and my partner and I won. Strange.

I've got four pairs of shoes under my desk, not sure why. I never store my shoes there.

I accidentally locked myself in the bathroom yesterday and had to MacGyver out. (Our bathroom doorknob is broken, if you close the door while inside, you can not get out. Rather, you can, but it takes 5 minutes of sheer panicked fumbling with it, fearing that you will be locked in for at least four hours until someone comes home and hears you trapped in there.)

I wore a fanny pack yesterday and liked it.

All of these things, I have no idea why, but it's all just out of order. Am I going mad? Is China's smoggy air infiltrating my nervous system? It's just crazy!

Or maybe we've all just been out of the States for a month and it's starting to sink in... because I've noticed I am not the only one who seems to be spinning off her axis a little bit. Nbd, it's sort of fun up here in crazy world.


Anonymous said...

"Soft Zone," and remember the concentrate on ebb and flow. You´re not crazy, but China is, so take little bits at a time, embrace them, and truely accept your surroundings. At least, it helped me out in EspaƱa, but maybe ebb and flow are even more important in the smogy Beijing air.

Anonymous said...


I trust you won't disappoint and will have a full accounting of a rooftop "beach party" for the total eclipse! Or, were you all too busy in the Velodrome listening to the sound of 45mph rubber meeting wood?

mom said...

My vote is "no" to an asian haircut. Just look back at some of your pictures from younger days and you'll see why...noteably, your sixth grade picture. Straight bangs are not your best look.

A note to the world..."Watch out when Lysh 'spins off of her axis' because it's always only temporary and for some crazy reason, once she 'realigns' she gains strength and comes out stronger and more focused afterwards." I've seen it happen...amazing site, actually.

I emailed the "Skittles" company, and believe we may have a class action law suit on our hands as they have had several thousands of complaints concerning the little green buggers...it seems that you're not the only one who is disturbed by the international flavor change. We'll look into a settlement when you get home. :)

I'm glad you got out of the bathroom! It didn't look like a very nice place to be trapped in. Though the Chinese seem to have mastered multi-tasking in at least one aspect of their lives...the combination sh and shower! :)

Knowing you, the axis will be back in rotation very soon, and all will be well.

My world will be back to normal knowing that you're home safe and sound and relaxing in your new apartment! Nice!

Hugs from home!

K.Doolin said...

I miss the 358 and propelling in the shower!
Performing to Little Mermaid.
Pushing our beds together and watching Pride and Prejudice.
I could go on...

Off the axis, eh? Embrace it and own it girlfriend, There is nothing wrong with a little visit to "crazy town" every now and then, know what I'm sayin'?

Please do not go a day without knowing how much all of us here in the USA miss you! Especially this one gangsta in Las Vegas...