
how now brown shower.

This morning was a fiasco. First of all, the phenomenon known as brownshower returned to the 8th floor. Megan was in the shower... and all of the sudden I heard her yell "Nooooooo!" I knew then what we had on our hands.

And this time, brownshower struck in interesting ways. We had brownshower, but not brownsink. Lauren and Traci had brownsink, but not brownshower. Chris and Phil had brownsink and brownshower. Leroy and Chad had neither. So, I was third in line for the use of Leroy's brown-free shower. Chaos.

Off to the Velodrome we went for the final day of Track Cycling. As much as I enjoyed it, I'm really excited to move on to BMX and Mountain Bike. Today I did have to lay down the law to one photographer who got really irritated with me... over the set-up of the photo positions at the track. I was like, listen buddy, I didn't design this place. If you can't work around a railing, I don't see your photo career going leaps and bounds. Angry little elf.

After the races and medal ceremonies, Val, Christina, Chris and I bolted for the door and snagged a cab across town to Luga's (burritos. duh.). We were starving and so ready to get some tasty tasty Mexican food. No sooner than we sit down at the tiny little table just outside the front door, three guys from the Holland Heineken House (the giant mega-Olympic party location... huge tradition at past Olympics) walk up and ask how long we will be since we were at their favorite table.

We hadn't gotten our food yet, but told them it was all theirs when we were done. And, as it usually ends up at Luga's, we all just ended up crowding around a tiny table talking. Now here's the crazy part... in the middle of saying that I've seen so few Americans here compared to the number of other countries... I look up, and who do I see but Kyle Sloan. Apparently after our dinner last night, he (like us) is hooked on Luga. He said he came for lunch, and was returning with some other Olympic family members for an evening out. Luga is crazy addictive.

After the worst cab ride home ever (it cost us three times what it should have because the driver didn't remember to tell us that he didn't really know where we needed to go), I was ready for a shower, a blog and bed. But, just as China has a surprise around every corner, there was brownshower waiting for me when I got home. But this time it was sneaky.

I turned the water on... brown/black for just a second, and then it was fine. I hopped in... lathering up the hair.... and as soon as I open my eyes, I'm being doused in coffee silt water. Grrrr. I step to the side and as I am contemplating what to do, it clears up. No big deal. I'm at the point now where brownshower is what it is. I've accepted it, and I jump back in. A minute later, again by surprise, I'm brownshowered again. Again I wait, it clears up. Seriously, I'm not even phased. Finally, I finish up with clear water and am thankful that it was pretty hot tonight.

So with less than a week left, I'm really ready for a taste of home and family, but then as soon as I get it, I'll be ready to be off again. We'll see what happens. For now, it's just a little more China.


Mike Drish said...

Question - can you tell the Chinese water changes when your eyes are closed or do you only know it is coffee water when you open your eyes? No odor to it?

Sandi said...

Hello Alysha!
It has been awhile since I have had a chance to read your blog...but, I am caught up, I think and am still loving reading your adventures and checking out the pictures.
Not long now until you return home..so I am glad that you have enjoyed your trip...
Oh yeah, I also agree with your dad about backpacking now...it is so easy to get caught up in the work thing ;)
Take care,
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

no mortgage, no kids, no pets, no job AND she takes brownshower in stride...perfect conditions for a little adventure:) Yes, us old farts with casitas, tikes, toads y trabajos...and no remaining tolerance for discolored water...are jealous of you!!! Seriously!!!