
90,000 of my closest friends.

I love track meets. I always have. Lots going on; people hangin' out; good times.

Thinking of those days of sitting in the LHS infield listening to Naumo yell at our 4x800 relay team... I compared it to where I was tonight: The Birds Nest. The track meet of track meets. What a beautiful, wonderful site.

Those of us who were able to ask off of work headed to the Nest all decked out in RW&B, flags in hand and had a face painting party on the subway ride there. I think our RW&B war paint was what got so many pictures taken of us. After tonight, there's no telling how many Chinese photo albums we're in.

We got to the Olympic Green around dusk and thanks to one of the top five low smog/blue sky days we have had here, everything was just breathtaking. The only people allowed on the Olympic Green (the area with several venues, including the Nest and the Water Cube) are people with tickets to the events... so happy to have the chance to see the venues that close, and on such a gorgeous night.

Our seats in the Nest were between the first and second turns of the track, with a great view of the start/finish line. And the place was PACKED. It was so cool. Picture 90,000 people doing the wave... picture 90,000 people cheering like mad people... picture 90,000 people losing their minds when Jamaica's Usain Bolt BROKE THE WORLD RECORD FOR THE MEN'S 100M!

Yes... I was there. I saw it happen. I have it on video. I danced to the reggae in celebration.

Seriously, at the beginning of the evening I said to everyone something like "how cool would it be if something AMAZING happened tonight... we could say we were here." Hey guess what kids, it happened. It. Was. So. Cool.

When we got to the event I didn't even know we would see the Finals for the Men's 100M, and there I was, watching one of the most well-known world records be broken.

This is not to say I didn't enjoy watching the Women's 800M Qualifying, Men's Long Jump (including our boy Trevell), Women's Shot Put and the Ukrainians dominate the last few events of Women's Heptathlon (they took Gold and Silver, USA took Bronze)... but watching humans run as fast as those guys did is just phenomenal.

One of the coolest things was when the women finished the Heptathlon events, they all took a victory lap holding hands and taking bows together... with Ukrainians and the American draped in flags. It was really great, like they had all become really close Olympic friends. I felt a little emotional.

So after the events ended (they didn't have the Medal Ceremony for the Men's 100M... not sure why, but I think it is tomorrow) we headed outside to take some night photos of the Nest and the Cube, and of me doing some really great gymnastics moves on my imaginary light-up balance beam. Don't worry, I know in the past these situations have not worked in my favor, but I did not injure myself nor did I harm others. Judges are still deciding whether or not to include my score in this year's individual all-around event. Nastia, look out girl.

After a busy subway home we arrived at our stop only to find the pesticide truck coming around spraying trees... AND ME. There was no where for us to escape to... no joke, the people who hid under the bridge got it less... but I was in fight or flight mode and my avoidance tactic did not work so well. I showered immediately upon returning home, and am hoping that my kids don't have seven arms. Sick. I got chemically violated. Anyone who thinks pesticides are a brilliant idea has never been hosed down with the stuff. I was sticky and gross. And I didn't like it.


mom said...

Thanks for the heads up! I'll look for the person that is "glowing" at the airport when I pick you up! Ewwwwwwwwww! That IS disgusting.

I'm proud of you for not ducking out with everyone else, but not so sure you should approach it the same the next time it might happen!

At any rate, your track and field night sounds amazing. Too bad you couldn't see your Purdue pal do her stuff...maybe in Chicago, should we be so lucky!

Counting the days until I can feed you healthy...

Anonymous said...

Awsome, that is all that I can say!

Patrick said...


I watched cycling on tv today before work. I kept pausing the tv when they panned to the crowd to see if you were there. Unfortunately no you. Can't believe you got to see the 100M final. That's incredible, you are so lucky. Hope you have a great rest of your trip to China.

Anonymous said...

girl, u r a hoot! LOVE the pics of your "balance beam routine":) feel free to park in MD with us sometime soon...and we'll put a posse together to stalk Phelps in B'more, hon. u rock! enjoy the breather...you have the rest of your life to work! keep picturing you directing the photogs...tee hee. btw, i saw some asian chics wearing olympic uniforms behind the sprinters tonight, on the tube...and they had shanghai'd baseball caps, no buckets for them*#!?
luv, t

mom said...

OH FUN! PICTURES! My world class gymnast daughter! You look like you were having way too much fun. Good for you! Thanks for adding the pictures, they're great!