
save ferris.

The ball is really rolling here and yesterday we had some big business to tend to. As a group (and by group, I mean all of the foreign students here... Purdue, QUT and Emerson) we were welcomed to CUC by the Vice President and given a brief history of Beijing and China. It was during this presentation that I realized I was really, really legit sick. After it ended I peaced out to my bed until my roommate woke me for our second session, at which point in time, I was in bad shape.

My fever had escalated to a temperature I can only guess to be somewhere between the Equator and the surface of the Sun. I was burnin' up.

This second session though, was very important as it was our first meeting with our Olympic Committee Supervisors and involved some serious business. We had to sign our letters of confirmation, saying that we were, indeed, here and going to work at the Olympics. We received SIM cards for our cell phones (I didn't bring or buy one... but if it appears absolutely necessary, I will). We tried on the uniforms (!) and shoes that we will be sporting. And we met with the people who will be our direct superiors and who will train us.

By the end of this meeting, the chills and goosebumps on my body were outrageous. I, once again, ate some Advil, drank some water and went to bed. But aha! This time I was going to outsmart this fever. I put on pants... a long sleeved shirt... a hooded sweatshirt... and socks (ew, who wears socks to bed!?!). I climbed in under my thick comforter and entered the sweat factory. The socks didn't last long, but everything else, combined with my flaming temperature, I think/hope might have caused me to break my fever. In fact, I slept from about 3pm to 5:45am this morning, waking only to realize how sweaty I was and drink more water.

At present, I am feeling a little better. I hope to eat today. And i think if I just take it easy and maintain my steady intake of ibuprofen I should recover in time for the weekend (we have a three day tour of the city lined up, and I'm NOT sleeping through it). Thanks for all of your concern, I promise I will be okay!

1 comment:

mom said...

I'm so glad that somewhere along the line, you learned how to take care of yourself when you are sick! I'm so sorry that your first week there hasn't been the best, but I'm sure it will get better once you feel well. Thanks for updating your blog so often, it's a great read!