

Easily one of my top-five birthdays of all time. Easily.

It all started with a my evening/his noon Skype to Luke... who had suggested I try to celebrate my birthday in traditional Chinese fashion. Unfortunately, according to my research, Chinese culture does not dictate a large and glorious celebration of one's birth unless you are a newborn or very very very exceptionally old. Plan B: annnnd go.

While still on the Skype, midnight struck and I was greeted by several of my fellow Purdue travelers singing happy birthday over a candle-adorned stack of Moon Pie snack cakes. And even though Luke and I have not been in the same country on either of our birthdays for maybe ten years, he was almost here... thinking of how he will be turning even older than I in just one short week (mu haha).

(I was also greeted by an impecibly timed e-mail from several time zones away. To achieve the midnight e-mail is one feat, to do so from halfway around the world is another. You my friend, are bold and daring.)

After feasting on marshmallowy deliciousness we piled into a room to watch The Departed. I, as I do with every movie, fell asleep and missed the end. I hear it's a great film.

In the morning I wake up to find my desk littered with handmade construction paper cards and the door to our room decked out in Happy Birthday swag... including a banner made of toilet paper. I also find an video of a mountain top birthday wish... all the way from Spain (!) in my inbox. From there it was off to "The Good Dining Hall" for some breakfast. I chose a buttery looking bread thing in the shape of a slice of pizza. A breakfast fit for a birthday.

Some city sights and a popsicle later and we were all back at CUC, plotting the adventures of the evening. Meanwhile, it is not even dawn on my American birthday time... which means that I technically was wished Happy Birthday for about 36 hours. I must do this every year.

An Irish pub was named the venue for dinner, and I must say, my fish and chips were remarkable. From there we taxied over to a bar with a rooftop patio... and enjoyed the beautiful Beijing evening. I must add that last year I spent my special day on a rooftop in Hell's Kitchen, NYC. This means that I have celebrated two consecutive birthdays on rooftops. I now declare this tradition and will see that it continues for years to come.

I must say, everyone here (especially the roomie Megan) made my day exceptionally wonderful and special. And we're all too familiar with the feeling of checking your e-mail on your birthday to find it littered with "(Insert name) has written on your Facebook wall." It all made my day (or my 36 hours).

It's all said and done now... I'm 22. My golden birthday. Exceptionally great.


gail said...

Hi Alysha, This Todd's Aunt Gail...I see it was your birthday yesterday. And your Golden one at that.Well, Happy, Happy Birthday..If you don't remember.. I met you at Todd's Picture Showing at the Art Gallery.You and Todd are sure adventurous! He off to Spain and you in Beijing.I'm sure we'll have lots to see and hear when you get home...Take care and best wishes..Aunt Gail

Sandi said...

Hello Alysha!
Happy Birthday from all of us here in New Castle, Pa. Your dad, the twins, Candice, Uncle Ed and Aunt Sallie are all sitting here in the garage (the site of your graduation party) having a little cook out and singing Happy Birthday...can you hear it? We are all on key...promise!
Candice says HI!!!!! :)))))
Have a great Bday :)))))