
pseudo celebs.

The West Lafayette/Lafayette Journal & Courier did a brief story on us. I think my quotes could have been a bit more focused. Oh well, I'll get 'em next time.



If you had asked me last October if I had really expected to get to the Olympics, I don't think I would have been so certain. But here it is, eleven days away. I've been asked several times how in the world I managed to land this opportunity, so here it is, the abridged version of my journey thus far.

September 2007: Hear about Purdue's Study Abroad program to the 2008 Summer Olympics. There were not many details available except that students would get the chance to work with the media at the Games.

October 1, 2007: Pick up application for program...
October 31, 2007: ...turn in application for program.

Sometime in December 2007: (Finally) notified that I have made it to the next round of the application process and that details will follow. Meanwhile, I delay applying for a "real job" upon my graduation, due to the unknown status of the Olympic Internship.

Spring Semester 2008: Attend training meetings with other "Olympic Hopefuls," find out that those of us who make it will be working in the Cycling venues.

March 1, 2008: Members of Olympic media organizations visit Purdue University to administer several tests to determine who will be selected.

March 19ish, 2008: (Finally) notified who has been selected! (Note: I am included in this group, hence, the blog.)

March 23, 2008: Surprise family at Easter with my good news.

April-June, 2008: I learn more about the trip and what to expect as information becomes available. I also graduate, accept a month-long internship in Maryland before I leave, move out of my apartment at Purdue, look for a permanent job for September and attempt to secure housing in Chicago for when I return. No big deal.

I leave for Beijing on July 5 and will be posting through the end of August. I've never been to China, and I've never been to the Olympics... but I'm pretty sure I'm in for a memorable summer.